“As the humane economy asserts its own power, its own logic and its essential decency, an older order is passing away, By every measure, life will be better when human satisfaction and need are no longer built upon the foundation of animal cruelty."
― Wayne Pacelle, The Humane Economy: How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers Are Transforming the Lives of Animals

It’s Time for National Leaders to Understand Magnitude, Impact of Animal Fighting Crime Wave | Feb. 11, 2025
The USDA MUST Change its Approach to Bird Flu | Feb. 3, 2025
DOGE Can Save Billions by Slashing Spending for Animal Cruelty | Jan. 21, 2025
USDA Bungles Bird Flu Crisis, Compounding Animal Deaths and Threatening Human Health | 1-8-25
Year in Review: 10 Areas of Progress in 2024 | 12-26-24
Cockfighters Kill Endangered Turtles to Make Fighting Implements | 12-17-24
U.S. Senate Passes FDA Modernization Act 3.0, Sends Urgent Measure to House for Final Action | 12-12-24
Trophy Lion Hunts in America in Same Vile Category as African Hunts | 11-4-24
Prop 127 Aims to Halt Shocking Scale of Trophy Hunting of Native Cats in Colorado | 9-30-24
U.S. Senators Tell FDA to Move Beyond Animal Tests Toward Better, More Humane Methods | 9-18-24
Mink Farming as a Biohazard | 9-6-24
Federal Courts Close One Last Door on Legal Cockfighting in Our Nation | 9-3-24
Mountain Lions Offer More Than a Pretty Face and a Fine Physique | 8-27-25
Federal Plan to Massacre Native Barred Owls Impractical, Costly, and Cruel | 7-13-24
Global Cockfighting and Its Role in the American Border Crisis | 7-3-24
Victory! Sokito adds to roster of athletic shoe companies ditching kangaroo skins | 4-15-24
Federal Plan to Massacre Native Barred Owls Impractical, Costly, and Cruel | 4-3-24
China’s Smithfield Foods Pushes the EATS Act in Congress | 3-19-24
The Cage Age In American Agriculture Must Face Its Sunset | 2-12-24
Effort in Congress to Overturn Prop 12 Eats at American Democracy and Values | 1/24/2024
Cruelty to Animals Should Never Be Viewed as an Export Opportunity | 1/17/2024
A Game Plan to Help Domesticated and Wild Animals in ’24 | 12/26/2023
Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 12, Nike Halting Sourcing of Kangaroo Skins for Shoes Among Our Top Gains in 2023 | 12/18/2023
First-Ever Farm Animal Welfare Rules Enshrined in Federal Law | 10/30/2023
A Pentagon Official, Puerto Rico’s Governor, and the Scourge of Animal Fighting | 10/13/2023
Adidas Persists in Sourcing Kangaroos for Shoes, Even as All Major Competitors Shed the Skins | 10/9/2023
With a Moral Consensus Against Animal Fighting, Why Is It Still So Prevalent? | 9/17/2023
The National Pork Producers Attack on American Election | 8/25/2023
Congress Must Include a Comprehensive Ban on Horse Slaughter in Farm Bill | 8/03/2023
China, the EATS Act, and the Attempt to Erode American Democrac, | 7/06/2023
National Legislation to End Greyhound Racing Commerce Should Be Urgent Concern for Animal Advocates | 6/12/2023
The Illegal, Unworkable and Wasteful Use of Primates in Testing and Research | 5/25/2023
Bears, “Milked” and Killed for the Bile, Are One of the Least-Known Victims of COVID-19 Pandemi | 5/19/2023
High Court Rebuffs Pork-Industry Barons, Upholds State Farm Animal Protection Laws | 5/11/2023
Dogfighting and Cockfighting: A Double Dose of Murder and Mayhem, Cruelty and Contagion | 4/29/2023
Pro-Cockfighting Bills Expected to Fail in Oklahoma Legislature | 4/10/2023
Breaking the Dairy Industry Monopoly in the Public Schools | 3/27/2023
Nike and Puma Announce the End of Their Roles As Market Financiers of Kangaroo Slaughter | 3/14/2023
Animal Wellness Podcast: The Criminal and Viral Infectivity of Cockfighting | 3/03/2023
New Report Reveals Urgent Zoonotic Disease Threats from Cockfighting to Avian Wellness and Agriculture | 1/30/2023
The Animal Milk Mandate in Our Nation’s Schools | 1/09/2023
Fighting and Winning for All Animals, 12/30/2022
Congress Eliminates 1930s Animal-Testing Requirement, 12/27/2022
UPDATED: Congress Ends Shark Fin Trade, 12/15/2022
Victory! Congress Shuttering Trade in Big Cats as Pets and Props, 12/08/2022
National Legislation Introduced to Allow Citizen Suits to Crack Down on Staged Animal Fights, 11/17/2022
FDA Modernization Act 2.0 a Boon for Animal Subjects, Human Patients, and Drug-Development Companies, 11/14/2022
Creating Legal Protections for Animals Is a Year-Round Task, 11/07/2022
Animal Protection Takes Center Stage Before Supreme Court and Senate Hopefuls, 10/18/2022
The Supreme Court Takes Up Prop 12 – and the Future of Factory Farming, 10/5/2022
Denmark Acted with Proper Urgency After Mutated Virus Spilled from Mink to Humans, 7/07/2022
Biden Administration’s Legal Attack on Farm Animal Welfare, 6/24/2022
Animal Cruelty and Human Violence, 6/17/2022
Animal Cruelty is the Reddest Flag of All for Mass Murderers, 5/31/2022
Federal Government Says It Will Reduce Pace of Roundups of Wild Horses, 5/27/2022
Hidden Victims of Our Flawed Drug Development Paradigm, 5/25/2022
Reset of FDA’s Drug Development Paradigm Moving Forward, 5/10/2022
U.S. Senate Urges Nixing of House Provision to Ban Dangerous and Inhumane Mink Farms, 5/05/2022
Cockfighting Murder and Mayhem, Home Grown in the U.S.A., 4/12/2022
National Legislation Introduced to End Gestation Crates in Pig Industry, 3/11/2022
Animal Wellness Dismantling U.S. Cockfighting Industry, 3/03/2022
Bald-Faced Slaughter of America’s Eagles, 2/25/2022
Mink Farms Deliver a Poisonous Blend of Cruelty and Contagion, Without Any Real Economic Benefits, 2/21/2022
Pork Producers Contrived Rebellion Against California’s Prop 12, 2/14/2022
Animal Testing Mandate Translates Into Torment for Primates, Dogs, 2/7/2022
Interior Department Leaders Standing Idly by As Massacre of Yellowstone Wolves Unfolds, 1/19/2022
Animal Testing Takes Its Toll on Wildlife, Too, 1/05/2022
Year in Review: Your Support Helped Us Achieve These Gains in 2021, 12/27/2021
The Radical Extremists Who Confine Sentient Animals in Cages Barely Larger Than Their Bodies,/12/20/2021
Cow’s milk the wrong choice for millions of kids | Episode 33, 12/13/2021
Biden Administration Ignores Animal Welfare, 12/02/2021
Nike’s Supply Chain Creates Mayhem and Misery for Kangaroos, 11/22/2021
Mink Farming is Factory Farming, 11/12/2021
The Connection Between FDA Policy and Horrifying Experiments on Beagles, 11/04/2021
Judge Blocks Wisconsin Hunt After Lawsuit by AWA and the Center for a Humane Economy, 10/25/2021
The Sun Finally Sets on Legal Cockfighting in the United States, 10/19/2021
Revising FDA Testing Mandates Will Spare Animals and Save Human Lives, 10/11/2021
Judgment Day Approaching for Wolves in America, 9/16/2021
Despite 2007 Ban, New Mexico Remains A Cockfighting Hub, 8/23/2021
The Pork Industry’s Attack on State Animal Welfare Laws, 8/12/2021
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Courts Must Stop Hate Crimes Against Wolves, 8/5/2021
CDC Goes Wild on Rabies, Ignores Urgent Domestic COVID-19 Threat from Mink Farms, 7/23/2021
Kangaroo Shoes Come Up Nearly Empty in European Football Championships, 7/19/2021
Mink Farming Ban Introduced in Congress, Led by House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro, 7/1/2021
Ending Live Exports of Horses to Canada and Mexico, 6/9/2021
Biden Must Deliver for Wolves, 6/1/2021
Our Campaign to Save the Onaqui Horses of Utah, 5/26/2021
Plan by National Park Service to Allow Trophy Hunting at Grand Canyon Puts More Than Bison at Risk, 5/10/2021
South African Leader Promises to Ban Shooting, Other Uses of Captive Lions, 5/3/2021
Congress Must Rehaul Animal Testing Paradigm for New Drug Development, 4/27/2021
David Brooks on His New Book: “Animal Dreams”, 4/19/2021
Q&A with Jennifer McCausland, 4/6/2021
Chained, Captive Elephants in Thailand Shrinking Before Our Eyes, 4/6/2021
The Urgent Moral and Public Health Case Against Mink Farming, 4/6/2021
Puerto Rico Must Stop Defying U.S. Laws Against Staged Animal Fighting, 3/29/2021
National Wolf Massacre Puts Worst Human Instincts on Display, 3/8/2021
Mourning in Wisconsin for Slain Wolves in an Unjustifiable Hunt, 2/24/2021
Filmmakers’ “Rewind” Strategy Tells Story of Mobs of Kangaroos Killed for Athletic Shoes, 2/23/2021
Federal Lawmakers Want to Form “Animal Cruelty Crimes” Section at the U.S. Department of Justice, 2/18/2021
Killing for Kicks, 2/11/2021
Will Tom Vilsack Make Animal Welfare a Priority At USDA?, 1/25/2021
U.S. Appellate Court Affirms Ban on Animal Fighting in Puerto Rico and Throughout the U.S., 1/15/2021
Perpetrators of Political Violence Damage Civil Society, Including the Advance of Animal Welfare, 1/12/2021
Biden Administration Must Stand Up for Wildlife, 1/7/2021
Massive Spending Bill Contains Language to Step Up Federal Enforcement of our National Anti-Cruelty Laws, 12/22/2020
Are Mink Farms about to Undo the Work toward a COVID Vaccine?, 12/14/2020
When the Prize Is Compromise, 11/16/2020
An Urgent Moment to End the Scourge of Horse Soring in America, 11/6/2020
National Election Has Major Implications for All Animals, 11/6/2020
Animal Wellness Tracks Biden, Trump, and Federal Lawmakers on Animal Issues, 10/26/2020
Animal Wellness Calls for Buy-Out of American Mink Farms, 2020/10/21
Animal Issues Scarce on 2020 Ballots, But Three Measures Warrant Attention from Animal Advocates, 10/15/2020
Sharks, Monkeys, and Horseshoe Crabs Are Casualties of COVID Vaccine Chase, 10/08/2020
Our National Campaign to End Cockfighting Gathers More Momentum, 10/1/2020
Review and Interview, 9/22/2020
Kangaroos Are Not Shoes — Not Now and Not 50 Years Ago, 9/20/2020
Mitch McConnell Saddles Up to End Doping and Address the Crisis in Horse Racing, 9/1/2020
It’s Sore Time Again in Shelbyville, 8/26/2020
Mink Farms Incubate Cruelty and COVID-19, 8/24/2020
In Wake of Tiger King, It’s Time to Pass Federal Legislation to Stop Exploitation of Big Cats, 8/14/2020
Horseracing, Cockfighting, and Kentucky Politics: The Bluegrass State Beats to a Different Tune, 8/5/2020
Cockfighters Hide Their Cruelty Behind the Banners of Religious Freedom and Cultural Prerogative, 8/4/2020
Big Wins for Animals in U.S. House Spending Measures, 7/31/2020
Nike and Other Retailers Illegally Selling Kangaroo Skins in California, Finds Major Investigation, 7/23/2020
House Committees Urge Enforcing Anti-Cruelty Laws, Bar U.S. Horse Slaughter, 7/10/2020
Note to Law Enforcement: Shut Down the Gamecock Farms, Not Just the Fighting Pits, 7/7/2020
Are FDA’s Onerous Regulations Hindering a Vaccine for COVID-19?, 7/7/2020
Retired Wildlife Management Official Touts Bear Bile As Health Treatment, 6/25/2020
Enforcing Animal Protection Laws As Important as Enacting Them, 6/23/2020
Criminal Cockfighting Syndicates Operating in Full View, 6/11/2020
Where Do Trump and Biden Stand on Animal Issues?, 05/30/2020
How Big Of A Tent Can We Build As We Rally To End Factory Farming?, 5/21/2020
Kangaroos Are Not Shoes, 5/18/2020
America’s Least Essential Industry, 5/12/2020
Will the Pandemic Usher in the Humane Economy?, 4/30/2020
Listen Up! Episode #12: How FDA’s Onerous Animal-Testing Requirements Are Killing Animals And People, 4/23/2020
Challenging Cruelty in A Color-Blind Way Is Our Duty, 4/21/2020
Factory Farms May Pose Greater Public Health Threats Than Wet Markets, 4/14/2020
Bears, “Milked” and Killed for the Bile, Are One of the Least-Known Victims of COVID-19 Pandemic, 4/10/2020
FDA’s Animal Testing Requirement Harms People and Animals and Wastes Dollars, 4/8/2020
Cockfights Provide Ringside Seats for Transmitting Avian Influenza and Other Diseases, 4/1/2020
Are Thousands of Game Farms in the U.S. Spawning a Generation of Disease-Carrying Zombie Deer?, 3/30/2020
How is the COVID-19 Crisis and Shutdown Affecting Animals?, 3/25/2020
Listen Up! Animal Wellness Episode #9: The Ongoing Horrors of Trapping, 3//2020
Animal Cruelty Industries Threaten Economic and Public Health, 2/28/2020
The Crazy Radicals Who Hurt Animals and Make Us Scratch Our Heads, 2/19/2020
Listen Up! Animal Wellness Episode #8: Corona Virus, 2/17/2020
Listen Up! Animal Wellness Episode #7: Fixing the Lethal Abuses in Horse Racing, 2/3/2020
American Horseracing is Addicted to Drugs and it’s Time for an Intervention, 1/22/2020
Listen Up! Animal Wellness Episode #5: Fighting America’s Wild-Horse Round-Ups, 1/13/2020
Kangaroos Are Not Shoes, 1/10/2020
Listen Up! Podcast Episode #4 Big Cats: Endangered in the Wild and In Danger as Captives in the U.S., 1/6/2020
As 2020 Arrives, So Many Issues Command Our Urgent Action,12/31/2019
Animal Protection Laws Take Effect in January 2020, 12/27/2019
Federal Law Takes Effect Today, Banning Cockfighting Everywhere in the U.S., Including the Territories, 2019/12/20
$1.4-Trillion Congressional Spending Bill Has Major Implications for Animal Welfare, 12/20/2019
Listen Up! Animal Wellness: Episode 3: Animal Fighting Law Takes Effect in U.S. Territories, 12/13/2019
Congress and President Say Cruelty Is Abhorrent, Illegal, 11/25/2019
Putting a Stop to Human Attacks on Sharks, 11/20/2019
Honoring Our Brave Veterans, of All Species, 11/11 /2019
Breeders’ Cup Set to Run Today Amidst Cloud of 36 Horse Deaths Over the Past Year, 11/2/2019
Federal Court Ruling in Puerto Rico Shuts the Door on Legal Cockfighting in the United States, 10/30/2019
U.S. House Passes PACT Act, Bringing Nation One Step Closer to Enacting Federal Anti-Cruelty Law, 10/23/2019
Greyhound racing in the final stretch as an American industry, 10/20/2019
California skins the fur trade, 10/14.2019
Governor Inslee of Washington Sides with Wolves, 10/07/2019
Animal Groups Team Up with Cattlemen in Plan that could Depopulate Wild Horses and Burros from the West, 10/02/2019
My Visit to a Cockfight at “The Dome” in Guam, 9/24/2019
Animal Wellness Releases Detailed Summaries for Democratic Candidates on Animal Issues, 9/20/2019
U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Takes Action to Protect Wildlife, 9/18/2019
California Adopts Two Remarkable Policies to Hasten the Demise of the Fur Industry, 9/11/2019
Oklahoma City May Invest $38 Million in New Animal Resource Center, 9/09/2019
Julian Castro Becomes First Major Candidate to Announce Comprehensive Policy on Animal Protection, 8/20/2019
Two major animal issues stir the race for the Democratic nomination for President, 8/06/2019
Where Do The Presidential Candidates Stand On Animal Protection?, 8/01/2019
Path-Breaking California Ban on Lead Ammo Takes Effect Today, 7/01/2019
Animal Protection Issues Stirring in Congress, 5/31/2019
Botswana President Aligns Himself with Trophy Hunters, Ivory Traders, 5/21/2019
Fur Ban in New York City Requires Foresight, Fortitude from Council Members, 5/20/2019
The Latest Federal Assault on Wolves, 5/13/2019
Are we heading for a crash when it comes to a cage- and crate-free future in American agriculture?, 4/27/2019
New Anti-Doping Policies by Major Thoroughbred Tracks Just a First Step, 4/22/2019
When will the horse racing industry get some horse sense?, 4/09/2019
A horseman’s take on the issue of horse soring, 4/03/2019
Botswana would jeopardize its second largest industry by resuming trophy hunting of elephants, lions, 3/21/2019
Horse industry allies in Congress introduce legislation to end widespread doping in horse racing, 3/14/2019
Industries don’t relent in trying to turn back the clock on cruelty, 3/06/019
Wildlife Killing Contests: 19th-Century Mindset, 21st-Century Munitions, 3/04/2019
Factory farmers continue to leverage the power of government to quash dissent and innovation, 2/25/2019
Massive Federal Spending Bill Good News for Horses and Wolves, 2/15/2019
In the Words of Elvis: Don’t Be Cruel, 2/04/2019
News outlet reports that BeastForum and other bestiality sites to go dark in February, 1/31/2019
Rolling up the windows on Spaceship Earth, 01/24/2019
Federal Courts Deal a Series of Blows to Big Ag, 1/14/2019
Japan’s Shameful, Stubborn Commitment to Commercial Whaling, 01/09/2019
The 115th Congress (2017-18) in Review, 12/26/2018
The Pet and Women Safety Act (PAWS) Enacted, as Trump Signs Farm Bill Into Law, 12/20/2018/
Five Notable Animal Protection Take-Aways from the 2018 Election, 12/13/2018
The King (Amendment) is Dead. Long Live Animal Welfare Reforms, 12/12/2018
U.S. Congress Closing in on a National Policy Against Cockfighting and Dogfighting, 12/03/2018
Ballot measures again prove to be the most effective weapon against systemic animal cruelty, 11/26/2018
House Republicans’ Big Post-Election Idea: Slaughter Endangered Wolves, 11/13/2018
Major Gains for Animal Protection on Historic Election Night, 11/7/2018
Endorsements and Analysis for the November Elections – U.S. House of Representatives, 10/26/2018
California’s Prop 12 Will Help End the Era of Extreme Confinement of Farm Animals, 10/11/2018
Shooting First and Thinking Second, NRA Fires at Greyhounds, 10/06/2018
Lawmakers, at Every Level, Fighting Cockfighting, 10/1/2018
Trump Gets it Right: Trophy Hunting is a “Horror Show”, 9/24/2018
Why is it that Democratic Lawmakers Perform Better on Animal Issues than Republicans, 9/19/2018
U.S. House Passes Legislation to Ban the Sale of Dog and Cat Meat in the U.S., 9/12/2018
Our New Tool Allows You to See Where Lawmakers Stand on Animal Cruelty, 9/7/2018/
Animal Issues Hang in Balance as Negotiations Try To Reach Agreement on Farm Bill, 8/28/2018
Deregulation Run Amok, 8/21/2018
Farm Bill Looms, and Animal Issues Hang in Balance, 8/12/2018/
Welcome to The Policy Animal, 7/31/2018